ㄱ) As the invasive site are distinct from the site of primary tumor origin, the cellular micro-environments are also changed: e.g., O2 concentration, pH value, cytokines, growth factors, chemokines, etc.
Hurst D. R. & Welch D. R. Metastasis suppressor genes at the interface between the environment and tumor cell growth. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. 286, 107–180 (2011)
ㄴ) Starting from the outside of cell, extracellular matrix, a few MS genes are active on tissue invasion and matrix remodeling by controlling the matrix metalloproteases.
Yan J., Yang Q. & Huang Q. Metastasis suppressor genes. Histol Histopathol 28, 285–292 (2013)
ㄷ) Numerous micro-RNA are identified as MS genes in cancers, which make the cellular signaling map more complex.
Pencheva N. & Tavazoie S. F. Control of metastatic progression by microRNA regulatory networks. Nat Cell Biol. 15, 546–554 (2013).
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